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Whitening and painting the ceiling

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how to whitening and painting the ceiling

before learn how to whitening and painting the ceiling we have to know that, various materials are used to decorate the ceiling Currently.

One of the most common ways is to cover the ceiling with water-based paints, as well as whitewash.

In every room, a well-groomed, flat white ceiling can become a real decoration.

Using water-dispersion paints, you can not only create a beautiful ceiling in the apartment, but also achieve the effect of covering the ceiling with silk or satin.

Some paints can create a porous ceiling surface which is both beautiful and useful, because such a ceiling is breathable.

ceiling whitening


Regardless of the type of material and method of ceiling finishing was not chosen, the first and very important stage of work is the preparation of the ceiling surface for finishing work.

Preparing for Whitening and painting the ceiling

At the preparatory stage of work, you will need such tools like a paint roller and its pin, a cuvette, i.e. a paint tray, water and a brush.

After that, all the seams on the surface are fixed and covered with a layer of plaster or putty.

If cracks of sufficiently deep depth are found on the surface, cement or alabaster putty and gypsum-based mortar should be used to eliminate them.

you can prepare this paste by yourself. You will need chalk, gypsum, and wood glue for this.

The glue must be diluted with water. All components are mixed by weight in the following proportions: one part of gypsum, two parts of chalk, and two parts of glue.

After surface treatment with such a composition, it is primed and finished with a putty to level the surface.

In this case, the putty layer should be no more than two millimeters and, if necessary, apply a layer of greater thickness, this must be done in several stages, waiting for the previous layers to dry.

In addition to sealing with a special repair mortar, deep cracks should also be glued with serpentine or fiberglass mesh.

It is also recommended to seal and glue the joints of concrete slabs to the ceiling.

If you plan to finish the ceiling with water-based paint, then you can not treat it completely with putty.

It will also be necessary to cover the entire surface with putty when finishing with water-based paint the surface previously painted with enamel paint.

After applying the putty to such a surface, you should wait for the material to dry and treat everything with fine-grained sandpaper, and then cover with an outer layer.

After puttying and cleaning, the surface can be treated with a primer consisting of a primer, paint and putty.

The primer is necessary for the timely identification and elimination of surface defects.

If the ceiling, which needs to be prepared for finishing, is in fairly good condition and does not require special repairs, then it is prepared differently.

First, the surface is rinsed with warm water, then a primer is applied to it.

Once the ceiling is dry, you can start painting or whitewashing it.

begin whitening

Immediately before whitewashing, the ceiling surface is prepared again, after which chalk or lime whitewash is applied.

When choosing a type of bleach, it is important to remember which bleach has been used before, and to apply only the same type of bleach.

Chalk bleach is simply made from wood glue, chalk, and water.

You need to take three kilograms of sifted chalk and 30 grams of carpentry glue.

These components are mixed with five liters of water, the temperature of which should be between 40-50 degrees.

You can prepare bleaching chalk and other compositions: 17 g of blue, 2.3 kg of chalk, 60 g of household soap, 90 g of glue diluted in 3 or 4 liters of warm water.

Having prepared a solution of the described number of components, you can whiten a surface of up to 12 square meters.

Lime bleaching is prepared in this way. Two or three kilograms of slaked lime are diluted in water. Add a little water.

Next, 50-100 g of salt and about 200 g of potassium alum and dyes previously soaked in water (400-500 g) are added to the lime.

Then everything is thoroughly mixed and diluted with water, gradually adding it and bringing the volume of the composition to ten liters.

When treating the ceiling with lime whitewash, it is necessary to apply the composition to a wet surface.

For work, pneumatic spray guns or ordinary bleaching brushes are used.

You can also use a bleaching flask with a special spout.

Choosing a ceiling paint

Before painting the ceiling, you must decide on the type of coating. Most often, waterborne paints are used to finish the ceiling.

There can be several types, each with certain characteristics. It can be latex paints, acrylic paints, silicone paints or silicate paints.

Acrylic latex paints are applied to the surface in two layers, resulting in a high-quality, flexible coating.

This coating hides cracks, the width of which does not exceed one millimeter.

This paint is the ideal choice when a high-quality, stain-resistant finish is required.

However, if it is necessary to finish the ceiling in a room with a poor level of waterproofing of the foundation, high requirements for vapor permeability are imposed on the ceiling covering.

Acrylic latex paint will not work for this, unlike silicone or silicate paints.

Silicate paint is most often used for finishing metal surfaces – covered with a mineral composition, previously painted with silicate paint or cement paint.

Before applying this type of coating to the ceiling, it is recommended to pre-treat it with a silicate-type primer.

Silicate paint is less flexible than acrylic paint.

Coating the ceiling with silicate paint requires a more thorough treatment of the base, as it will not hide small cracks.

Its advantage, as mentioned above, is high vapor permeability.

This coating property makes it an excellent material for working in old buildings or in buildings whose walls are not sufficiently protected from rising groundwater.

Another positive property of silicate paints is their ability not to support the development of various microorganisms.

This allows them to be used without additional surface treatment before coating with special antiseptic compounds.

Silicate paints are also an excellent finishing material for painting ceilings and walls in rooms with high levels of humidity.

Specialists consider silicone paints to be a material that combines the positive properties of silicate and acrylic paints.

Thus, the vapor permeability level of silicone paints is approximately the same as that of silicate paints.

The difference is that silicone paints form a waterproof layer. This film does not cause surface stresses on the substrate.

This property of silicone paint makes it an excellent type of material for finishing plastered surfaces.

At higher temperatures, the silicone resins that are part of the coating do not soften.

This paint can be used to treat any metal surfaces. In addition, it can be used simultaneously with other paints – silicate and acrylic.

An important advantage of the coating is its flexibility.
This feature allows you to hide the cracks in the ceiling surface, the width of which is up to two millimeters.

Acrylic paints have the same property.

Silicone paints have another common advantage with silicate paints: they do not require additional surface treatment with antiseptic compounds.

Working with silicone paints is simple and safe. No special precautions required.

These paints are not aggressive, have excellent performance and decorative properties.

However, silicone paints also have a drawback, which in some cases can be very significant – the high cost of the material.

Another common type of ceiling coating is waterborne paint.

It can be of several types – glossy, semi-gloss or matte.

These paints are also called watercolor paints.

using water dispersion paint

  • Depending on the type of paint used, different surfaces can be obtained.
    If matte water-based dispersion paints are used, then small defects on the ceiling surface will not be noticeable.
    On the contrary, when using glossy paints, surface defects will be noticeable.
  • Before coating the surface with these paints, it must be prepared as described above.
    It is also necessary to purchase the necessary tools for work.
    The best tool for this is the roller.
  • There are different types of pulleys. They can vary in length of coarse hair – long, short and medium hair.
    Rollers with a long nap are more convenient in that they instantly absorb a large amount of paint and do not have to constantly dip the tool into a cuvette with paint.
  • Before starting work, the paint should be thoroughly mixed in a jar and, if necessary, diluted with water.
    As a rule, on the label or in the instructions for use of the paint, the manufacturer indicates whether the paint needs to be diluted.
    Then the required amount of paint is poured into the cuvette and the ceiling can be painted.
  • It is recommended to start work from the window or from the corner, gradually moving to the center of the room.
  • First, the ceiling is drawn around the perimeter as it adjoins the walls of the room.
    These places should be well drawn.
    Then, with light movements of the tool, it is necessary to paint the ceiling surface in a longitudinal position, and then its width.
    So the paint is applied to the ceiling in an even layer and all areas are well painted, and there are no unpainted streaks or spots on the ceiling.
  • While working, the roller should be pressed evenly and moved slowly.
    After painting a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface, it is recommended to check the quality of work.
    To do that, you can step down and examine the surface, determining if there are unpainted areas.
    If such areas are present, they must be repainted immediately, without waiting for the first layer of paint to dry.
  • The next coat of paint can be applied only after the first one has dried. As a rule, the drying time of the paint is indicated on the label, which it is recommended to observe.
  • The second layer of paint is applied to the ceiling surface not from the window, but from the opposite side, that is, on the window.
    So the entire surface will be painted with high quality and evenly and will not have any unpainted areas on it.
  • The quality of the ceiling coating also depends to some extent on how the paint is applied to the working tool.
  • Experts recommend not soaking the roller in paint too much to rule out floor contamination, as well as smudges on the ceiling.
  • If suddenly, a stain appears on the ceiling, it must be removed immediately.
    To do this, you can remove excess paint with a semi-dry roller, then shade the place where the stain formed.
  • Applying simple rules for coloring and whitewashing the ceiling, it is very easy to get a beautiful and high-quality coating that will decorate the entire room.

that was some details to learn how to whitening and painting the ceiling for the general cases.

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