Suspended ceiling installation. In the event of a damaged ceiling, a plasterboard false ceiling is the perfect solution. . It is fixed by handrails and studs, and the suspended ceiling of the board reinforces the heat and sound insulation of the room. In addition, it allows you to easily embed floodlights.
What is the principle of gypsum false ceiling? What are the advantages? How do? ‘or ‘What is the step by step of a suspended ceiling?’ What are the do-it-yourself tools or the price per square meter through a professional?
The principle of suspended ceiling.
The suspended ceiling is part of the family of suspended ceilings. It is usually placed on a metal structure in which gypsum boards fit. A space must be left between the suspended ceiling and the existing ceiling for the integrity of the ceiling insulation. Finally, this space also allows the electrical conduits for spotlights to pass easily behind the plasterboard.
Advantages of suspended ceiling
Suspended ceilings are common in renovations for a number of reasons. First of all, it is ideal to perform thermal and sound insulation of the ceiling at an affordable cost. To finish, all you have to do is apply plaster to the ceiling.
Therefore, it is really practical to neatly pass the electrical ducts and hide them behind to allow the placement of very aesthetic points. The suspended ceiling has charm and contributes to the atmosphere of your room.
Finally, installation is easy. It will still be necessary to plan the presence of two to facilitate work and a mounting plate for mounting the panel to the ceiling. But installing a false ceiling is still simple. An economical solution to improve ceiling insulation and hide irregularities.
Differences between suspended ceiling and stretch ceiling
Stretch ceiling and suspended ceiling have nothing to do with each other. The suspended suspended ceiling consists of a thermostatic canvas that is stretched under the existing ceiling. The suspended ceiling is made of placo panels and a metal frame. . So the materials used are fundamentally different, as is the method of installing a suspended ceiling.
At first glance, the difference is also visible, because the two suspended ceilings do not give the same impression and do not have the same finishes. Finally, the installation of a stretch fabric ceiling is much more complicated and more expensive than the installation of a suspended ceiling.
The metal frame consisting of rails and uprights is typical of suspended ceilings.
Suspended Ceiling Material
To make a suspended ceiling, it is better to have two as was said before, because plasterboard can be difficult to manipulate. In terms of tools, you will need:
- panel elevator
- scaffold or ladder, if this is not possible,
- Line
- Meters of unit,
- sufficient plasterboard,
- lines,
- bars
- Isolation,
- And even electrical conduits and spotlights if you want to include them.
For personal equipment, a pair of gloves and work clothes will suffice to protect you.
Step-by-step method for laying a suspended ceiling
Even if it is said that the installation is easy, the practice should be carried out according to the steps to ensure the rigidity of the suspended ceiling. But also a good ending. Correct installation of the metal structure is the key to the success of the suspended ceiling. For good work, two people are recommended for this type of location.
Mark the location of the metal profiles.
The first step is to take appropriate measures. To get started, you have to work in a healthy environment. Then you have to clean your wall.
Then draw a mark 10 cm from the existing ceiling. Using a level, determine the height of the ceiling on the surrounding walls. Tighten one screw at the mark, but not completely. Then do the same in the opposite corner. Then you stretch a line between the two that you make to locate the lines. Then repeat the process on the other walls of the room.
Repair rails for surrounding walls
You will now place the bars in the location drawn with the chalk line. You start with a wall by installing the rail with hammer sockets spaced 60 cm apart. If necessary, cut a rail to complete the length. To do this, use nibbles.
You will then attach the rail to the opposite wall in the same way. Then finish by placing the vertical bars of the other two walls. To do this, insert part of the rail into one end of the rails laid with the flat side against the wall. Then install it as if you had put the other rails.
Once the profiles are level against the surrounding walls, start preparing the lines. It is they who will hold the transverse metal studs. It will track the location of each ceiling hanger every 1.20m and install it after installing the holes. Put commas between each line.
Finally, it is advisable to put the cross pins on the rails. To do this, insert the skins by twisting and swaying at the same time. Then fix them with screws after drilling the bars.
The hangers can be installed on the metal or wooden frame.
Installation of gypsum boards on the ceiling.
To install BA13 gypsum board in the ceiling, you need a sheet lifter. The first board is placed against the corner of the wall. Then install it and repeat for the entire ceiling. The panels are attached directly to the spacers using special matte black panel screws.
Repeat the same process on the entire ceiling of the room. If your wall isn’t perfectly straight, you’ll have to make cuts.
BA13 plates are mounted on rails. For this, it is highly recommended to use a plate lifter.
Install the flood lights on the hanging placo
The main advantage of the suspended panel is the ease of placement of lighting. However, it is necessary to plan well for the initial electrical installation.
Using a drill with a hole saw, drill into the different locations of the LED spotlights. Check what your spot model recommends for opening. Fill the hole with the file, leaving some resistance to fit the stain without floating.
Then connect the dots according to the current regulations. All you have to do is include the lamp and fix the LED. To do this, flat, spring-loaded tongues must be integrated into the slot.
Average cost of suspended ceiling per square meter
Suspended ceiling is an economical solution to insulating your ceiling. However, it also comes at a price. This price can vary whether you entrust the installation to a professional or if you do the work yourself. This is the price to expect for a suspended ceiling.
suspended ceiling cost
If you do it yourself, then you will only have to pay for the materials for the suspended ceiling. Therefore, it will be necessary to have 8 euros per square meter of plasterboard. To this will be added the price of the frame, which will raise the price to 18 euros per square meter. Finally, at this price, the tablet lift rent or €31 per day should no doubt be added.
The price of the suspended ceiling when passing through a professional
In total, the price of a false ceiling is 40 euros per square meter. The price range includes fixing materials. It ranges from 25 euros to 60 euros per square metre. This price difference is mainly explained by several parameters, namely:
- Ceiling surface to be installed.
- Location difficulty
- Room configuration (rectangular or atypical with different angles)
- The chosen professional, each one is free to set their own prices.
- The region you live in, because there are still gaps between the Paris region and other regions of France.